Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a little nightmare

yesterday 21st dec, bos called a meetin to see my work progress... it's nightmare to me coz my work not

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


erm this is it...i'm doom. i still can finish up the work that attach to me... next week i'll perish from kak zai, my bos.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


i forget again that i need to update my blog.... shameless person.
until this day i still continuing vouching. the time getting pressure because i still can't find the way to finish up at the same time client called to know their account...
arghhh.... what should i do...

Thursday, December 10, 2009


today is to many job to be done.. i don't believe that i can finish the job at exact time.
but i will do the best that i could to finish up the vouching...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


continue my vouching, there are many correction... make me sick... a lot of no and receipt.. arghh... i'm getting mad.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

08/12/2009 continuing

erm... i still make vouching for the company... but more i do there is more mistake that i've done.. so i need start over it again. i already tense about it. but it is accounting life, always under pressure. so i need done that job before Monday next week. that is a dateline for me from my supervisory. good luck for me...

Monday, December 7, 2009

yesterday 07/12/2009

i still continue vouching for the company, Gatom engineering, then I've a meeting with my supervisor then suddenly she tell me that the company is high risk company and i need a good job done. in fact, the job is on her, she believing in me to finish up her work which is she have ACCA exam. dateline, next tuesday... whoaaa... i need to do job faster...

Friday, December 4, 2009

4th day....

continue make additional vouching revenue...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

mr forgotten

coz of tiredness i forget to add the 3rd October of my practicum post... so 3rd day i finish up vouching revenue for the Gatom Engineering. my boss can't see my work coz she to busy so i'll show to her today. erm feel good...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


yesterday i forget to make a new post about the 2nd day work in office. 2nd day, yesterday, i continue vouching the revenue of Gatom Engineering and i feel wonderful when i finish that vouching. then my supervisor assign me to vouching the cost of sale of the company. erm... the work getting tougher. but it's fun to me..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For The First Time

on 1st December 2009 is the day that i create this blog... erm be a blogger, i am... and it is the 1st day for my practical training... work under supervision of the big boss is quite tough to me.. today the 1st task is vouching the GOTAM ENTERPRISE's financial statement... she challenge me to do that task... well as the normal person, nervous, blank, pressure, tense are pushing me to the end of the line.. for the newcomer, there are bounches of document should i check. well it is a million dollar company. so, this is the 1st post for my new blog..