Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 men standing

the early morning the sea is the witnesses that 3 men confess everything each other...
what already they go through...
they are the frenz that together from the beginning and still standing together without any obstacles that can make them be a part.
from the kindness person become the evil one..
that are their life that the only person, themselves, who is can create their on path, route and the destiny will shows them
sea is the witness, the sea breeze is the listener, the sea water is the supporter and the beach is the hopper...
they promise one thing, before they go through a way they will unite the communities that they live, learn and life in its'.
2010 will the last choice to make it happen....

Friday, January 29, 2010

living in the dark side

after day by day i follow my path.. i feel that i already in deep lost..
don't know where to begin... where should i put myself use to..
there is a lot changes in my self..
some of them that know me already see different in me...
frenz this is not i suppose to be.. but i need time to change the old me...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


right now my job done well...
i'm happy with that...
tomorrow, friday 29 January, my boss want me to report my job..
i think i can finish my job before meet her...
so tomorrow is the tough day..
ah... tomorrow i need to wear Baju Melayu.....


today i discuss with my soul... then she decide that she still in love with her ex...
very disappointment i am... i don't have the answer that i love her so much..
but i'm not the cruel person to make her love me so much so i decide to let her go to fine her happiness.
about me... erm there is nothing left for me...
if she happy with that i don't even care after this matter.
if she decided to left her ex and still love him she is the cruelness person...
may Allah will do what she i've done to me...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the walk

i walk for every step that left for me..
getting tired, even i feel that the tiredness bound in my route..
my eye, can't open without courage..
my mouth can't speak without someone...
heart was torn apart... may be this the last joy I've ever had..
threw the sunset of monday, I left my burden.. but it still appear..
threw the wind of smoke it still exist...
threw the night of sundown to drop it but it keep pushing me...
why the truth make me be such the horrible person...

fuh... start again....

people i getting start again n again....
why the company keep me doing the same things...
arghhh.... is there any one of them has a brain how to make proper account or receipt n payment for me....
the dateline in this friday...
well the race begin....

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ahh.... lately i'm to lazy to update my blog. erm by it's ok, i write as much as i can for today update. erm from the day that i stop update my blog because there were a lot of work to do...
need to postpone gatom company, n need rush work for the government agencies... for me for the 1st time work for the accounting n auditing job it's make me sick of it... but now i feel fun, busy is suit to me.. may be I'm workaholic... hahaha... er.. what else, aha, i feel sad on 31st Dec 2009 which is my frenz (practical trainee) shahril, hakim n eju was already end their practicum. they are good guys, even though i knowing them for a month... i getting miss that month of December..
now it's new year, 2010. tomorrow 13 new practical trainee will enter my world... who are they? how they behave to me and the other staff in my company. so i can't wait tomorrow morning... month of december is the month that a lot of sweet n sour memories that i face.... miss u guys....
owh.. about the gatom, the company make mistake for their receipt and payment, my boss apologise to me. but that's ok for me, it's because event my boss look eerie to me but she has kindness heart.. hahaha... i'm getting fall in love with my work.... yeehaaaaa......